GCAS College Dublin

Student Experience at GCAS

florian kleinau in gcas attire

“For me, what stands out about GCAS is the focus on my own research. While other institutions force you to write papers on topics you are not interested in, GCAS encourages you to take your own interests and apply them to the topics you are studying. This creates dialogue between students and professors that is characterized by passion and diversity and enables me to study what I want to learn most effectively. Not to mention that GCAS enabled me to get a degree while having an established life in a remote place without moving – thanks for that!”

Florian Kleinau, Student Researcher at GCAS

Learn About Our Students Experiences

“By assisting the Chancellor In the Admissions office, I was able to pay a large amount of my tuition with the GCAS Tokens. The GCAS Tokens have enabled me to access highest quality education that I could have otherwise not afforded” Swarmina, Student Researcher at GCAS

Swarmina, Student Researcher at GCAS

A Word From Our Graduates

Watch the video below to hear from some of our graduates about their wonderful time at the Global Centre for Advanced Studies.