GCAS College Dublin


GCAS College Dublin has 5 different departments that span a wide range of different disciplines and academic fields. Each field has a chair and associated faculty members that teach classes, offer certifications and give lectures and talks. We also have several ‘sub-departments’ that function as fields that interested students can specialize in. Click on each department to learn more about each and discover the large academic breadth of the Global Centre for Advanced Studies.

Departments at GCAS College Dublin

Interdisciplinary Studies Department

Department Chair: Nicole Jacobsen

Sub-Department of Social & Political Thought

Sub-Department in Sustainable Living

Sub-Department in Critical Theory

Philosophy Department

Department Chair: Dr. Creston Davis

Philosophy and Psychoanalysis Department

Department Chair: Dr. Kevin boileau

Department of Theology

Department Chair: Dr. Barry Taylor

Art Department

Department Chair: Helen Rollins and Dr. Francisco González Castro